Welcome to my homepage. My name is Bartłomiej (or Bartek in shorter form) and I live in Poland. I am mainly interested in programming (mainly in Linux), Internet, computer security, so you will find here materials related with these subjects.
Site is currently under construction, however there are already some of my projects - with descriptions - in the /soft/ directory. Also feel free to check my projects on Bitbucket and some of my contributions to open-source software on my page on GitHub. You can also visit my blog.
You can contact me via e-mail: bartml(atsign)wp.pl (replace "(atsign)" with "@"). My public key: locally and on pgp.mit.edu. If you have my phone number, please contact me in order to verify the key (fingerprint) before using it and sending something important.
Changes on the site
(all dates in format yyyy-mm-dd)
2013-10-12 - changing encoding of all pages from ISO8859-2 to UTF-8
2015-01-19 - added public key