Please see this page.
(More - under construction.)
Screenshot [1] of window with related options (See menu Edit -> Preferences... (Linux) or Tools -> Options (Windows), then Security tab.)
![Screenshot of options window in Linux version of Firefox 2.0.0.x with marked in red rectangle option related with "enhanced phishing protection" (ie. "Check by asking [Google] about each site I visit")](../../imgs/ff2-security-goog-linux.png)
After selecting option "Check by asking [Google] about each site I visit" you can see this window [2] (red underscoring is from me):
![Screenshot of the window with confirmation dialog, shown after choosing option "Check by asking [Google] about each site I visit", with words "Google will receive the URLs of pages you visit" underlined in red](../../imgs/ff2-goog-confirm-20081113.png)
[1] | In next to last official release in stable line of Firefox 2 (ie. so called "phishing protection" has been disabled by default and the window with related options looks a little bit different than on the screenshot, ie. related options are inactive and the checkbox near "Tell me..." is unchecked. |
[2] | Note that content of this window is fetched from Google's servers, so the exact text may change in the future. |