Malware/phishing "protection" in Firefox3


What is this page about?

Screenshot with enabled by default "malware/phishing protection" (Google's so-called "safebrowsing") options in GUI. (See menu Edit -> Preferences... (Linux) or Tools -> Options (Windows), then Security tab.)

(Screenshot taken from official Linux version of Firefox 3.0.x):

Screenshot of options window in Linux version of Firefox 3.0.x with marked options related with "malware/phishing protection" (ie.: "Tell me if the site I'm visiting is a suspected attack site" and "Tell me if the site I'm visiting is a suspected forgery")

(Screenshot taken from official Linux version of Firefox 3.5.x):

Screenshot of options window in Linux version of Firefox 3.5.x with marked options related with "malware/phishing protection" (ie.: "Block reported attack sites" and "Block reported web forgeries")

More to come...

On-line demonstration

Demonstration project is on a separate page.